About Us

President's Message

Ellie Rosenbloom

Ellie has been an active member of NCJW Greater Rochester Section for several years and has previously held several positions including Treasurer and Membership VP.

Dear NCJW Members and Friends,

I am so excited to begin my tenure as president of NCJW Greater Rochester Section!  I am incredibly impressed by the work that was accomplished over the last two years under the strong leadership of my predecessor, Lisa Waltzer. We still have a lot of work to be done. I hope that you will join us as we challenge our leaders to continue to improve the lives of women, children, families, and the rights of all people.

I am excited to announce the NCJW-GRS Opening Event: Menopause in a Day. We will be joined by speaker Dr. Miranda Harris-Glocker, MD. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists reports that an estimated 6,000 U.S. women reach menopause every day (over 2 million per year). Each person has their own unique experiences and changes, yet very little is discussed openly about this common life stage. We invite everyone to join us as we learn about what some common changes and expectations are. Everyone who knows a person that will eventually go through menopause in their lifetime should attend! I hope to see you on October 26th for this inspiring and educational evening!

The public affairs committee, under the leadership of Sarah Walters, continues to diligently work on reproductive justice and voting rights while creating thoughtful and innovative programs about sustainability and the environment, LGBTQ+ rights, and more! They are busy keeping us informed of this ever-changing landscape as our rights and freedoms continue to be under attack. Check here often to see how our advocacy efforts remain active.

Community Connections continues to have a strong community impact under the leadership of Adrienne Markus and Jennifer Loviglio. August gave the NCJW membership an opportunity to work with Mary’s Place Refugee Outreach providing back to school supplies and backpacks. In a short period of time, 31 backpacks and 121 lbs. of school supplies were donated! Thank you to the community for supporting this project to give kids a positive start to school. Details about issues relating to food insecurity and food education as well as other projects from the Community Connections committee will be updated regularly here on the NCJW GRS website.

Gina Horowitz has been busy all summer and fall working on the P.A.D. Project. This program works with organizations to provide essential feminine hygiene products to people in need. Period product kits are constantly being assembled by individuals and during pad parties to ready them for distribution. The need is great and this program continues to have a strong community impact as it gives dignity to those in need.

I would also like to give a warm welcome to all of our new members from all of us at NCJW! We are so glad you are here. To our returning members, thank you for your continued commitment to this organization and our community. We cannot do any of this important work without you! If you would like to join or renew your membership but have not yet done so, please click the join button! Membership dues can be paid by check or through our website and are due by September 30th.

Please continue to come back here regularly so that you can keep up with all of the good work that is happening at NCJW GRS. Please look through our website for up-to-date information about events, advocacy opportunities, and happenings. Check your mailbox in the Spring for an NCJW GRS Annual Report. A reduction in mailings allows your donation dollars to go further to support the causes you care most about and leaves less of an impact on the environment.

As we celebrate Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, I want to wish you and your families a sweet and healthy new year and may each of you be sealed in the Book of Life.




Officers and Board of Directors


  • President: Ellie Rosenbloom
  • V.P. Membership: Terri Richardson
  • Treasurer: Debbie Schaal
  • Recording Secretary: Leslie Newman
  • Immediate Past President: Lisa Waltzer (Public Affairs Chair)
  • President Elect: Dawn Wisset

 Directors serving until 2025

  • Jane Amstey
  • Marilyn Fenster (Bulletin Editor and Tributes Coordinator)
  • Jennifer Loviglio 
  • Rina Schnaufer
  • Cathy Schneider 
  • Barb Snyderman
  • Amy Stein
  • Wendy Strauss
  • Rebecca Zaretsky

Directors serving until 2026

  • Rikki Brodsky
  • Donna Cohen (Bulletin Editor and Section Historian)
  • Brenda Comisar
  • Cindy Finestone
  • Cindy Hirschberg
  • Adrienne Markus (Community Connections Chair)
  • Lisa Maas Vangellow