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Repro Shabbat

February 9, 2024 February 10, 2024

Repro Shabbat is an annual Shabbat celebration that honors the Jewish value of reproductive freedom. It takes place annually on Parshat Mishpatim, the reading of which contains the verses commonly referenced as the foundation of Judaism’s approach to reproductive health, rights, and justice. Individuals and communities across the world gather to celebrate Repro Shabbat and the Jewish traditions it honors. Participation can take many forms.

Jewish values compel us to support full access to safe and legal abortions. NCJW is collaborating nationally with many organizations to bring Repro Shabbat to communities across the country during the weekend of February 9-10, 2024.  

Repro Shabbat is a time for communities and individuals to connect, educate, and activate towards a more whole future for everyone.


The following have already committed to participate and we are seeking more participating organizations:

Temple Sinai will be hosting a Repro Shabbat Friday evening service at 6 pm on Friday, February 9.  It will feature remarks by a guest speaker working in the Reproductive Rights field, songs and readings, and a special Oneg to follow the service. All are welcome, and please contact Leslie Newman lesliefnewman@gmail.com for more information.

Temple Beth El’s 20-30s group will be hosting a Havdalah Service on February 10.  Please contact Becca Zaretsky communications@tberochester.org for more information.

Temple Etz Chaim – look for more information about their participation in future communication.

Temple Emanuel will hold their Repro Shabbat service on Friday, February 9 at 7:00 p.m. at the JCC, 1200 Edgewood Avenue.

Temple Brith Kodesh is unable to participate this year, however they are fully supportive of this effort.  Rabbis Stein and Tulik are encouraging their congregants to participate in a way that is meaningful to them.

Repro Shabbat At Home is a great option for anyone interested in participating but does not want to, or is unable to, attend a service at a synagogue.  If you choose to participate this way you will have access to many resources, including a study guide, a conversation guide, a Shabbat Spotify playlist, recipes, and more – to help you plan an at-home Shabbat event.  Click here for more information on how to sign up:https://www.jewsforabortionaccess.org/actions/repro-shabbat-2024-at-home